Last Longer In Bed – Facts And Tips

The desire to extend playtime beyond its usual duration is a common one among both men and women. If both partners are interested in this, it makes sense to learn some tips about how to last longer in bed – provided that both partners’ expectations are realistic. If one or both partners place unrealistic expectations on the man’s stamina, then performance anxiety can set in and further disrupt pleasure. Since sensual activity is an important part of psychological, relationship and manhood health, couples should know not only tips for lasting longer, but facts that dispel common misconceptions about a man’s lasting powers as well.

1. Get the facts straight. There is a notable discrepancy between what people want in bed and what they can reasonably expect (without proper preparations). Consider the following bits of data:

• A Cosmopolitan magazine survey of more than 2,500 women found that more than 70% said their desired length of lovemaking (from penetration to male finish) is over 10 minutes, with most saying 15-25 minutes.
• The same magazine surveyed about 30,000 men and found that, on average, they want longer sack sessions (including pre-play) to last 35-40 minutes.
• The average man can handle 3-7 minutes of continual thrusting before releasing.

Clearly, some of people’s expectations around sensual activity are unrealistic – at least unless they take special measures to lengthen the duration of the activity. It’s not that men have a problem – only 2-5% of men qualify as suffering from early on release, which is defined as finishing within one minute. Lasting for a short period of time is completely normal, so couples need to understand that, first, it’s not a man’s fault, and, second, both can take steps to lengthen their encounters.

2. Proper training is key. There are a couple things men can do outside of partner play to increase their control over release timing. One is to perform kegels; this is done by contracting the muscles that control the flow of urine through the male organ. The exercise is also known to strengthen tumescence function. 3 sets of 15 reps spread throughout the day is sufficient to make a difference, and they can be done anywhere.

Second, men can use their self-stimulation routine to up their bedroom stamina. This is done by employing a method called edging in which a man brings himself to the brink of release, then stops and waits until he begins to soften to start up again, repeating the process 3 or 4 times before allowing release. This trains him to better control the time of release.

3. Vary the speed. Remember: 3-7 minutes of continual thrusting is the normal time it takes for a healthy man to finish. If both partners are fond of the jackhammer style of sensual activity, fast and constant, it’s not reasonable to expect much longer from a man. Therefore, when he feels close to finishing, he can take this as his cue to slow down – kind of like edging, but with a partner.

4. Try the “7 and 9” method. The 7 and 9 method dictates a more structured approach to varying speed. The man thrusts fast 7 times, then 9 times more slowly and repeats.

5. Have mid-play. A man can maintain both male and female organ stimulation without thrusting in and out. When he’s getting close, he can pull out and rub the head of his male organ along the outside and the opening of the woman’s organ. He can even use the tip to stimulate her external hot spot.

6. Thrust shallow. Along with varying thrust speed, the depth can be changed to extend duration. While stimulation of the top of the shaft and head is still immensely pleasurable, it may bring about release more slowly than full engulfment of the organ. Also, shallow thrusts are best for hitting her G-spot, so she won’t be likely to complain. Classic doggie style with shallow thrusts is great for a man’s ability to control thrust depth and hitting the G-spot.

7. Be more in the moment. Everyone has likely experienced the “race to the finish” mentality. It can be hard to delay that immensely pleasurable moment; sometimes, people fear that they won’t finish if they wait, so they let it happen early on despite an overall desire to go longer. Men can try to shift their perspective from seeing sensual activity as a means to finish to seeing it as an enjoyable experience at all its many possible stages.

Men aren’t likely to last longer if their skin is sore and chafed. That’s why it’s a good idea to use plenty of lube during solo play and sensual activity. It’s also wise to apply a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) after a man’s daily shower. A product with Shea butter and vitamin E can keep the skin is good condition and ready for action.

Visit for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Texas Marijuana Possession Penalties Explained

In Texas, marijuana offenses are classified differently than the four other drug classes in the criminal code. Depending on the amount of marijuana in possession, prosecutors in Texas can charge accused individuals with a Class B misdemeanor all the way up to a second-degree felony.

How Texas Defines Marijuana Possession

In Texas, a person must “knowingly and intentionally” possess a useable quantity of marijuana to be accused of an offense. This means that those charged with marijuana possession may be able to prove their innocence by providing evidence that they did not have knowledge they were in possession of the drug or that the amount of the drug found in their possession was insufficient.

Marijuana Possession Penalties by Offense Class

The charges that someone can face for marijuana possession depend on the amount of the drug found on him or her. If a person is in possession of two or less ounces of marijuana, he or she can be charged with a Class B misdemeanor, the most lenient charge of all marijuana possession offenses. A Class B misdemeanor carries penalties up to 180 days in jail and/or $2,000 in fines. Individuals may be charged with a Class A misdemeanor if they possess between two and four ounces of marijuana. A Class A misdemeanor also carries up to 180 days in jail, but the fine is increased to $4,000.

Possession of more than four ounces of marijuana is considered a felony. Potential penalties for a felony crime include:
- Possession of four ounces to five pounds:State jail felony – Up to two years in jail and $10,000 in fines
- Possession of five to 50 pounds: Third-degree felony – Between two and 10 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines
- Possession of 50 to 2,000 pounds:Second-degree felony – Between two and 20 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines
- Possession of more than 2,000 pounds: Enhanced penalties – Between five and 99 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines

Texas has some of the toughest drug laws in the country. As you can see, even those with negligible amounts of marijuana in their possession face jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. These penalties make it all the more important to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you or a loved one has been accused of marijuana possession.

Article provided by Scott H. Palmer P.C.
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Personal Training Success- A Few Important Tips To Keep In Mind

Personal Training Success- A Few Important Tips To Keep In Mind

If you are crazy about personal training and if you are really interested in enhancing your fitness levels then you should understand one thing. With the intention of attaining success in your efforts of personal training you are going to need a good deal of discipline and routine in your life. You cannot lead a wayward or bohemian kind of a life if you are serious about your health. AT the same time there are going to be a few important facts which you are supposed to keep in mind.


In the first place you are going to need significant amount of determination. You need to get it straight that you would have to complete the training sessions no matter what. There are certain objectives and you are supposed to accomplish those without fail. There is no backing out once when you have started on the mission. You would be required to have the support of a streamlined and rationalized pro in order to achieve high level of Personal Training Success.

The tenacity to follow cut and dried rules and measures

At the same time you are going need a great force as well as will power. You should be able to have the tenacity to follow cut and dried rules and measures. As a matter of the success of your personal training will depend a lot on how good you are in following the instructions.

Forced reps

Forced reps are going to be great when it comes to give a strong boost to your shape. Get all the details from your trainers in this regard. You are going to get the right twist in your physique with the help of Perth Weight Loss. So be prepared to get the wave in your life.

Drop sets

Drop sets are deemed as effective forms of workout buy astute physical trainers all over the world. You are supposed to shed off significant amount of sweat while doing this exacting form of workout. You should be focused on this form of exercise to accomplish your target.

Effective squats

Squats are in fact immense in importance. You are going to have great amount of benefits from them as far as your weight loss goals are concerned. If you intend to have the edge and real benefits out of this particular kind of workout then you should consider or mull over the facilities that you are able to get in shape of Lose Fat Fast Perth.

If you are going to make it sure that you would be pretty careful while doing these stuffs then you can eventually make your move towards a very robust and strong physique.

Epiclifestyle has long been associated with the world of personal training and fitness training. Presently he creates helpful and incisive content related to Lose Fat Fast Perth.